Important places

Barranquilla has different tourist attractions like Bocas de Ceniza, the site where the Magdalena River and the Caribbean Sea meet; the Barranquilla Zoo, which was the first zoo that was inaugurated in Latin America; the Pumarejo Bridge, the longest in Colombia; the giant Estadio Metropolitano (the Metropolitan Stadium); the Puerto Colombia dock, which was once the second longest in the world; the Amira de la Rosa Theater; the Romantic Museum and many other important spots. Discover these important aspects of the city which can offer wonderful sensations of beauty of this large and pleasant city.

BOCA DE CENIZA                                                       ZOO

PUERTO COLOMBIA DOCK                                     PUMAREJO BRIDGE


Attractions in Barranquilla, Colombia
This popular museum can be found in an old mansion that was built during the Republican Period of Colombian architecture. Here you can find memories of the pastimes and the different, typical objects that represent the history of this city.

There are, as a witness of an era, the costumes of the Carnival Queen, a replica of the old street called Camellón Abello, the typewriter Alfonso Fuenmayor in which the Nobel Prize Gabriel García Márquez wrote his novel The Litter Some letters of Simón Bolívar, photographs, albums and collections of old newspapers.

Attractions in Barranquilla, Colombia
Epicenter of cultural activity barranquillero is located on the edge of El Prado neighborhood with the neighborhood down the river. Plays, exhibitions, music shows and events of all kinds are presented in a modern campus during the year. 
It was painted by Alejandro Obregón, represented with vibrant colors legend alligator man.


The Museum of Modern Art in Barranquilla (MAMB) is an institution with eleven years of uninterrupted work. However, its history goes back to the early sixties, when people of the city as Alejandro Obregón, Álvaro Cepeda Samudio, Ricardo González Ripoll, Carlos Dieppa and Guillermo Marin, among others, decided to organize the Inter-American Biennial of Art as the first important for the creation of the Museum step. Inclusive was reached in 1962 to put the first stone to build the physical headquarters on the grounds of Fine Arts.

It is a complex dedicated to promote natural, cultural and historical heritage of the Colombian Caribbean.

It is located in the historic center of Barranquilla and includes in its first stage, the Museo del Caribe and complementary facilities: Pilot Children's Library of the Caribbean; Mediatheque Macondo, specializing in the work of Gabriel García Márquez; a multiplayer, a Public Hall Square with outdoor theater, playgrounds and green areas. The second phase will be complemented with a documentation center on the Caribbean, the Museum of Modern Art and the Film Barranquilla Caribbean, the latter two organizations with a long history that have their final location in this space.

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